What can be said about the 'fiscal cliff' deal?
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayShould we congratulate Congress for finally doing its job and avoiding the "fiscal cliff"? Absolutely not. The process has been so ugly, unnecessary and frustrating that it simply...
View ArticleCan new gun laws make a difference?
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayHow often we are told that no law could prevent a particular act of gun violence. Nothing could prevent a deranged individual from obtaining a weapon and initiating a massacre...
View ArticleSame-sex marriage decision from National Cathedral spotlights denominational...
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayHow can two traditions once deemed so similar diverge so completely? The National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., has announced it will now be the site of future gay marriages.
View ArticleExploring the sinfulness of homosexuality
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayIs homosexuality a sin? David Gibson explores this question in a Religion News Service article.A few points might be worth considering.
View ArticleThe NRA doesn't seem to get it
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayThose who have been reading this blog for a while have probably figured out that I don't intend to quit pushing for saner gun laws. To me, this is a critical right-to-life issue...
View ArticleRemembering Martin Luther King, but not as a conservative
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayOn Monday, we celebrated one of the greatest figures of the 20th century, Martin Luther King Jr. It is perhaps indicative of his greatness that everyone now wants to claim him as...
View ArticleObama's inaugural address reveals how he wants to move forward
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayBoth conservative and liberal pundits are proclaiming President Barack Obama's second inaugural as the most progressive or liberal speech of his career. They say he has finally...
View ArticleThe struggle for new gun laws
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayCalifornia Sen. Dianne Feinstein has introduced new assault weapons legislation in Congress. The president and vice president are both campaigning hard for movement on a variety...
View ArticleThe impetus for immigration reform
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayThere is finally movement on comprehensive immigration legislation. A bipartisan group of senators has produced an agreement of principles that could lead to action. President...
View ArticleHow does God play a role in the Ravens' Super Bowl victory?
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayI'm not sure if it is kosher or not, but I feel compelled to comment on the victory of the Baltimore Ravens in Super Bowl XLVII. The fact that there is a religious angle to this...
View ArticleForming new Catholic Christian communities
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayI recently met with a validly ordained married Catholic priest in the Baltimore/Washington, D.C., area. He shared information about an organization that I think should be better...
View ArticleFrench bishops offer solidarity with gay Catholics
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayThe French bishops have prepared a statement that explores the church's response to the gay and lesbian community concerning civil unions and gay marriage. What a refreshing...
View ArticlePope Benedict XVI deserves congratulations on his resignation
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayBenedict ResignsDuring the last years of the John Paul II papacy we watched major deterioration as he clung to life and power. At that time, I wrote more than once of his need to...
View ArticleThe best way to govern from the center
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayIt is a major question as to how the next year or so will go in Congress. Issues involving immigration, gun legislation and the budget cry out for attention. It seems the...
View ArticleWill the new pope be open to change?
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayTwo contrasting viewpoints from NCR's John Allen and Time magazine suggest that possibilities exist for either a conservative or more progressive successor to Benedict XVI.
View ArticleWhy does our government now give the majority to the minority?
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayWe had an election in November. The results were that President Barack Obama was re-elected without much difficulty. The Democrats also gained seats in both houses of Congress,...
View ArticleCan public opinion sway the moves of the new pope?
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayConclave 2013A recent New York Times/CBS News poll has documented some very interesting opinions among American Catholics. I want to share a few of the ones I found most...
View ArticleThe world watches the elevation of Pope Francis
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayPope FrancisThe world is watching every move Pope Francis makes. All are united in hoping for and praying for a successful new beginning for Francis and the church of Rome....
View ArticleCongress must show courage when it comes to gun legislation
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayI don't have much to say about the latest debacle in Congress over gun legislation. I think Ron Fournier has said it all. Fournier also references an article by Mike Lupica in the...
View ArticleIs the Obama charm offensive with Congress working?
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayPresident Barack Obama has wined and dined Republicans at the White House and has gone to Capitol Hill to meet with them as well. It seems to have had some positive effect. We are...
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