Are latest ‘hactivists’ heroes, or playing God with classified docs?
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayNCR Today: The recent leaks of classified documents has Pat Perriello wondering: Is it the government or the whistleblowers who most resemble a "brave new world."
View ArticleBaltimore Archbishop Lori hits highs and lows with editorial
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayArchbishop William Lori of Baltimore continues to insist that the government is inhibiting the religious freedom of Catholics. In a strong editorial in The Baltimore Sun,...
View ArticleThe dangers of unaccountable leakers of classified data
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayI feel compelled to elaborate a bit on my recent comments regarding the leaking of classified information by Edward Snowden, who, according to the latest reports, has now left...
View ArticlePope Francis meets with the Jewish community
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayPope Francis had his first meeting last week with members of the Jewish community. He strongly condemned anti-Semitism and promised to continue to promote collaborative...
View ArticleCatholic bishops should view DOMA's downfall in a different light
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayThe Catholic bishops have reacted predictably to the Supreme Court decision to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). They have condemned the action and said it is...
View ArticleIs the growth of the nonreligious in our society a good thing?
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayThere are some fascinating results from a recent poll by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.The poll asks whether the growth in the number of Americans who are nonreligious...
View ArticleOngoing gun violence strikes at the conscience of our nation
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayThe conversation around gun violence has diminished a great deal since the time of the tragic incident in Newtown, Conn. Unfortunately, gun violence itself has not subsided. We...
View ArticleBush's view of comprehensive immigration reform is one to support
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayFormer President George W. Bush has it right. Immigration is not a partisan issue. In a July 11 editorial, TheBaltimore Sun highlights Bush's recent helpful comments on the need...
View ArticleReflections on Catholicism in France as an outsider
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayWhile the world has been watching Pope Francis in Brazil at World Youth Day, I was in France with my wife, daughter, and son-in-law.Let me share a few somewhat random reflections.
View ArticleIs Pope Francis bringing a new church into being?
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayPope Francis is back at the Vatican after a whirlwind World Youth Day celebration in Brazil. Not a single doctrine of the Catholic church was altered during this event. Frankly,...
View ArticleTaking another look at privacy and government
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayI have made the point before that there is very little privacy remaining in our lives.
View ArticleConservatives are reacting to Pope Francis
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayDavid Gibson of Religion News Service shares some of the latest reactions of traditionalist Catholics to the early days of the Francis papacy.Gibson reports that a conservative...
View ArticlePope Francis' perspective on the economy
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayPresident Barack Obama has been called a socialist. I believe many are just beginning to understand that Pope Francis and the social teachings of the church can be said to be...
View ArticleTrouble with celibacy in the church in Africa
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayI have to admit I was surprised to see this Religion News Service article about schismatic priests in Africa.
View ArticleCatholics, evangelicals work toward Congress' passage of comprehensive...
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayThe congressional recess seems to be providing a vehicle for some movement on the immigration bill stalled in the House of Representatives. We are seeing evangelicals applying...
View ArticleDisturbing YouTube video calls Pope Francis 'anti-pope,''heretic'
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayI ran across a disturbing YouTube page some of you may or may not be aware of. I'm sure there are probably a number of other websites of a similar nature.
View ArticleThe argument for limited intervention in Syria
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayI have waited as long as possible to write about the situation in Syria. This is primarily because I was unsure what I really wanted to say or what I believed should be done...
View ArticleChris Hayes: Pope Francis is 'the best pope ever'
Pat PerrielloThe Francis ChroniclesChris Hayes of MSNBC has declared Pope Francis "the best pope ever."Hayes anchors an evening current affairs program on MSNBC called "All In with Chris Hayes." He...
View ArticleFrancis is leading us back to core Christianity
Pat PerrielloThe Francis ChroniclesEveryone is rightly talking about the extensive interview Pope Francis had with the editor of the Italian Jesuit magazine La Civilta Cattolica, which was published...
View ArticleWe must organize to challenge the gun lobby
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayTheBaltimore Sun has an excellent editorial on the current state of gun violence in our country.
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