How will Latinos impact Catholicism in the United States?
Pat Perriello NCR Today Fascinating information is emerging from the new Pew Research survey on the religious beliefs and practices of Latinos in the United States.
View ArticleFifteen months in, Pope Francis can still surprise us
Pat Perriello NCR Today I just returned from a family vacation and was looking for some inspiration. I was therefore pleased -- or should I say, filled with the Holy Spirit -- to read the article by...
View ArticleEastern Rite Officials in North America request married priests
Pat Perriello NCR Today There continues to be limited movement on the issue of mandatory celibacy. The New York Times is reporting that Catholic and Orthodox officials have requested that the Vatican...
View ArticleOregon school shooting prompts response from president
Pat Perriello NCR Today Another school shooting has taken place, this time in Oregon. This map shows that they have been taking place in every corner of our country. In fact, a total of 74 school...
View ArticleShould your Congressman be reelected?
Pat Perriello NCR Today There is a group of politicians in Washington that has adopted and adhered to a set of priorities and policies that I believe have been damaging to our country and our social...
View ArticleThere is no reason for conflict between faith and science
Pat Perriello NCR Today Without going back to the days of Galileo, I believe in modern times, Catholics have had far less difficulty with the biblical creation stories and science than fundamentalist...
View ArticleThe Supreme Court gets it wrong
Pat Perriello NCR Today NCR Today: If you explore these Supreme Court decisions you can only come to one possible conclusion. This court interprets the laws to protect the rights of big business and...
View ArticleThe difference between American exceptionalism and America as an exceptional...
Pat Perriello NCR Today Jonathan Merritt penned an interesting blog post for Religion News Service on Christians, patriotism and the Fourth of July.
View ArticleA vote for diplomacy on the global stage
Pat Perriello NCR Today A thoughtful New York Times article by Michael A. Cohen on to how to conduct an effective foreign policy is worthy of serious consideration.
View ArticleHow does America really feel about the children at the border?
Pat Perriello NCR Today Protests continue to grow around the country when it comes to housing undocumented children while they await processing.In Rhode Island, protester Terry Gorman said, "If there...
View ArticleConnecticut religious leaders step up to the plate on immigration
Pat Perriello NCR Today Mark Silk's terrific Religion News Service article provides a welcome addition to the discussion of the children at the border, from a religious perspective.
View ArticleIs the status quo really the best way to have a better church?
Pat Perriello NCR Today I would like to take issue with a few points made by Ross Douthat in a recent New York Times opinion piece.
View ArticleAre we still trying to figure out who Pope Francis is?
Pat Perriello NCR Today George Conger writes a somewhat critical piece about Pope Francis' interviews since his election.
View ArticleHow does one respond to a troubled world?
Pat Perriello NCR Today I don't know about you, but I have been deeply troubled by what seems to be an unraveling of the world around us in so many different hot spots.Just to name a few:1. The...
View ArticleIs an Obama legacy possible?
Pat Perriello NCR Today The final two-plus years of the Obama presidency look to be a torturous obstacle course with little or nothing to be accomplished and repeated attempts to roll back those...
View ArticleTechnology and guns
Pat Perriello NCR Today I would encourage the reading of this latest opus by Dan Rodericks of the Baltimore Sun. Roderick’s comments become even more significant in light of the latest news of a 9...
View ArticleWhat to do about airstrikes and the Islamic State
Pat Perriello NCR Today This country has gone from only 13 percent favoring airstrikes in Syria in September 2013 to 60 percent currently in favor.
View ArticleNow is the time for the church to move toward compassion
Pat Perriello NCR Today Synod on the FamilyMichael Sean Winters last week wrote in-depth and scholarly pieces on the October Synod of Bishops on the family. Anybody interested in learning everything...
View ArticleThe struggle over Communion for divorced and remarried Catholics continues
Pat Perriello NCR Today Synod on the FamilyAn article by Josephine McKenna points out some contradictions as we gear up for the opening of the Synod of Bishops on the family. A conservative group of...
View ArticleHow do we fix a troubled economy?
Pat Perriello NCR Today The facts are pretty clear, and Rana Foroohar of Time magazine does an excellent job of laying them out for us.The recession ended some time ago, and real growth is now back....
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