What progress is the church making on women's issues?
Pat Perriello NCR Today Catholic News Agency provides a substantial list of articles relating to women in the church since the beginning of the Francis papacy. The articles are listed in a descending...
View ArticleHow will the church minister to the LGBT community?
Pat Perriello NCR Today Although Saint John Paul II emphasized the dignity of every human being, the church seemed to find little or no way to affirm that dignity. Is the Francis effect finally...
View ArticleWe do not need to worry so much about Ebola in the US
Pat Perriello NCR Today I sat watching the 11 p.m. news as the Ebola patient from Dallas, Nina Pham, landed at the airport in Frederick, Md. She was on her way to the National Institutes of Health in...
View ArticleIt looks like a Republican sweep on Election Day
Pat PerrielloNCR TodayI was preparing my latest blog post, which was to be titled, "The Democrats still have a good shot at retaining the Senate." Let me share some of the reasons I felt this was so,...
View ArticleWe are part of a church that binds and loosens, not one that solely binds
Pat Perriello NCR Today Synod on the FamilyArchbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia is confused about the recently completed family synod in Rome. He notes that "confusion is of the devil."Chaput...
View ArticleThe results of the 2014 election
Pat Perriello NCR Today Democrats made a number of mistakes in their campaign and voters appropriately punished them for their failures. But what will Republicans do with their victory?
View ArticleWhat can we expect to happen on immigration?
Pat Perriello NCR Today The real problem is Congress simply can't get the job done when it comes to immigration. That is reason enough for the President to act.
View ArticleNew data suggest Catholics are not in step with their bishops
Pat Perriello NCR Today The Washington Times reported on an interesting new poll of Catholic positions on family related concerns.
View ArticleWhat does Ferguson tell us about race relations in America?
Pat Perriello NCR Today Maybe the protestors in Ferguson are trying to tell us that in order to do better as a community, tragic police shootings should not be routinely justified.
View ArticleFundamentalism is the new '-ism' for the church to fight
Pat Perriello NCR Today The Catholic church is well-known for its opposition to many important "-isms" over the years: It has railed against secularism, materialism, communism, and modernism with...
View ArticleWhat does torture say about America?
Pat Perriello NCR Today The Senate report recently released on enhanced interrogation techniques is the subject of considerable controversy.I was originally against releasing this report. It documents...
View ArticleThe importance of Pope Francis to the future of the Church
Pat Perriello NCR Today Two important events took place this past week which are significant for the future of our church.
View ArticleWhat is the right formula for creating a good economy?
Pat Perriello NCR Today We can gain some important direction by considering what Francis has said about the economy.
View ArticleWhat can we say about Islam?
Pat Perriello NCR Today The terrorist attack on the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo once again gives rise to the controversy over whether there is a violent element that is part of the...
View ArticleCan the West help strengthen moderate Islam?
Pat Perriello NCR Today There are important ways in which Christians can make meaningful contributions to strengthening moderate Islam.
View ArticleThe two sides of Pope Francis
Pat Perriello NCR Today What do we make of the pope's pretty strong reaffirmation of the church’s stand on artificial contraception?
View ArticleIs Indiana a turning point for Medicaid expansion?
Pat Perriello NCR Today It was encouraging to see that the Republican governor of Indiana has decided to provide Medicaid coverage to eligible citizens in his state.
View ArticleLet’s talk about confession
Pat Perriello NCR Today The sacrament of penance may not be the most critical issue facing the church today, but I suspect it is an important one for many individual Catholics. Pope Francis has spoken...
View ArticleIt is time for reform, but what kind of reform?
Pat Perriello NCR Today In a beautiful homily by Pope Francis to the assembled cardinals and bishops, the need for reform was made clear once again.
View ArticleMaybe what we need is more politicians
Pat Perriello NCR Today NCR Today: Politicians, for all their faults, tend to get the public business done. At the end of today's Washington process, you have only continued stalemate and gridlock.
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